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Douglas Holleley
Veronica ImageThis book consists of 107 color photographs made on the rock platforms of two beaches located on the Central Coast of New South Wales, some 50 miles north of Sydney, Australia. These rock platforms are notable for their complex, mysterious and indeed beautiful appearance. It almost seems that the earth itself has written the story of its own creation on very face of the rock. The story is expressed in visual, symbolic terms by the vibrant colors and evocative structures of this geologically blessed landscape. Of particular interest is the quite extraordinary juxtaposition of both Christian and Pre- Christian imagery comfortably and respectfully co-existing in the same space.

This book is named after Saint Veronica who it is said, wiped Jesus’ face while he was suffering under the weight of the cross. In so doing, His image was miraculously imprinted on the cloth. The relevance of this story is the fact that the cover image bears an uncanny resemblance to Jesus. Other layers of complexity emerge when inside the reader will see images of a world populated by earth and water spirits, rendered in a way that references the art produced by traditional Australian Aborigines

Veronica Image Veronica Image

Copies of Veronica are printed on demand by Lulu.com and are printed and shipped in about 5 working days. To place an order visit www.lulu.com/content/380009 The price is US$39.99. ISBN 09707138-3-5

Veronica Image Veronica Image

Veronica ImageTo my eyes, the cover image at top looks like Jesus wearing the Crown of Thorns. The fact that this apparition in stone appeared at all is significant enough. However, the timing of this event is also of importance. The image was made just before Easter, 2006. Each year at this time I make a set of images to celebrate or observe this season. I have been doing this for the last 22 years. The relevance of this is the fact that the first set of images I made in 1984 was of the Stations of the Cross. The 6th Station depicts St. Veronica wiping the face of Christ while he carried the heavy cross. As she did His image was transferred to the cloth. The image of Jesus on the cloth (to the right) bears an uncanny resemblance to the image at Terrigal. Whether you the viewer, find this somewhat eerie coincidence significant is something I cannot say. I ask you merely look and wonder.

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Ice Book CoverThis book was photographed on an early spring day in March 2006. The images were made at Webster Park on the shores of Lake Ontario. The ice was beginning to break up and thaw after an unusually warm winter (at least by upstate New York standards). In so doing the ice formed (most peculiarly), into spherical structures. It looked as if there were thousands of white bowling balls floating in the lake.

Physically the book is very small, at least in its unfolded state. It measures 3.5 inches high by 2.25 inches wide. It is however, about 0.5 of an in thick and when unfolded is almost four feet long!

I CE is published on request and the edition is open. Price On Application.

Ice Image

Ice Image

Ice Image   Ice Image

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Winter Ghosts ImageA book of six photographs made in Rochester, N.Y. on the 5th of March, 2006. These particular bushes, wrapped in Hessian to protect them during the snow season, are located on Scottsville Road, just near the airport. Through the long night that is winter, many similar specters can be observed elsewhere throughout the region. During this time one can watch them evolve and mutate, seemingly hoping to find a form resilient enough to survive the dawn of spring.

Size 7.875x5.25 inches, 14 pages including cover. The book is concertina bound by the artist and unfolds to show a view of the whole book of about 30 inches. Printed and bound by the author in an edition of 22 copies. Price is $222.00.

Winter Ghosts Image

Winter Ghosts Image Winter Ghosts Image

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Secrets of the Spread ImageThis book is a photographic meditation on the visual properties of the book. In particular the book “spread” and the corresponding space(s) between the pages, form the primary subject matter. The book starts with a short poem:

A channel of dark water
where pages dip their roots to grow.

Suspended in solution
dissolved secrets nourish ideas.

       The thought occurs to make this process visible

But caution be to he, who would
turn water into fire
or secrets into science.

The images of the gutters and spreads in this book are photographed from: Les Mille & un Tours, ou Expériences de Physique Amusante et de Magie Blanche. Publié par ANA- GRAMME BLISMON, Paris, (1869). The images of the eyes and mouths are from: Descriptive Mentality from the Head, Face and Hand by Holmes W. Merton. Philadelphia: David McKay Publisher, (1899).

The book is 38 pages in length and the dimensions are 5.75 x 3.75 inches. The book is bound “concertina” style by the author with hard boards covered with hand-printed canvas. Published in an edition of 33. Price is $1,000.00 Text and Images by Douglas Holleley, 2005

Secrets of the Spread Image Secrets of the Spread Image

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